Sunday, March 21, 2010

Class of 83 get together update

Hello fellow SHS classmates!

It has been so great talking to a great deal of you over on Facebook. I can't tell you how much I love reconnecting with the group of friends I care most about in this world, my high school classmates.

As you all know, on April 17 at the Stoneforge in Foxboro, we have a night planned where we will get together and share some memories over cocktails, and good food. I leave for Kentucky the following weekend for the summer, and I felt it was important to get together to see as many of you as possible before the long, hot grind of baseball season begins.

For those who have not seen Stoneforge, it is a great place. Located on Route 1 North in Foxboro (about a mile from Gillette Stadium) it has a huge bar, excellent food, TV's, and tables, for which I am hoping we can commandeer a corner table and sing a few tunes. I talked to Russ Goldstein and he is receptive to bringing his acoustic guitar , and between him and me, we could create some enjoyable stuff you can sing along to. I have always dreamed of having a pub session, and this is as good an opportunity as I believe there is.

Please come join us. If you graduated in our class, you're invited. If you know of classmates that are not on Facebook, but you are in contact with them, please let them know they are invited too.

I'll be there no later than 6. Last call is 12:30 AM. Let's make this a night we won't soon forget.



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